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#望遠鏡租借~歡迎來高雄鳥會 新商品上架囉!鋅合金鎖圈&野鳥繡片 台灣野鳥手繪圖鑑(第二版)~賞鳥必備書籍 <國家地理>雜誌環保紀念衫 (價值1280元) 看見台灣之美~~台灣蝴蝶紀念polo衫
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Introduction to Dongsha Atoll National Park
商品名稱:Introduction to Dongsha Atoll National Park
價格:NT$ 250.00

The Dongsha Atoll National Park was officially established on January 17, 2007, under the supervision of Marine National Park Headquarters which was created on October 4 of the same year. This park is the seventh national park in Taiwan.Dongsha has been transformed into a place that symbolizes fine military efforts to promote peace in the South China Sea. This is a region full of many natural resources such as fisheries, coral, fossil oil, and natural gas. With the establishment of this national park, Taiwan hopes to contribute to international marine protection. 
Dongsha is a common name to most Taiwanese people. Its formal name, however, is the Dongsha (Pratas) Islands, including Dongsha Island, Dongsha atoll and two vereker banks that submerged under the waters. 
To help our world audience fully uncover the beauty of Dongsha Islands, a place full of white shell and coral fragments, tropical coral ecosystem, and world-class natural heritage atoll, the Headquarters compiled previous conservation research and cultural resource studies on the Dongsha Atoll National Park, and presents this guide by synthesizing these findings in an easy-understandable format of text, photos and maps. After reading this book, I hope you will enjoy the beauty that Dongsha gives us and become to be a marine conservation activist that we all share in common.

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產品上架時間 2014 九月 09 週二.

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